Now that my children are all out of school, well public school, son is starting college in the fall. Dreams are coming to the forefront with me. I had my children late in life and now going on 55 next year, I too have dreams.
Today I’m going to talk about one said dream, traveling. I love to travel and yes I have a list of places I want to visit.
Dublin, Ireland
How can one not want to see Dublin. Plus, there is the fact I found out I’m over 57% Irish. I have to go to Ireland. The thought of traveling, seeing all the different sites. Maybe two weeks for the first visit. I know I’ll be there in October 18-19, 2019 for a book sighing. Here is the link if you would like to know more.

Malahide castle near Dublin by autumn
Yes, there are many places I plan to visit. Castles are on my high priority of course. I mean come on, think of knights in the old days, sigh.
Second, I want to visit many different pubs. I’ve heard so much about the food and of course will have to try one of their Ale’s even though I’m not much of a drinker. Who knows maybe I’ll find me one of those knights while there.
So, if you are in Ireland write down the date above! I’d love to meet you and talk. Maybe you can give me some places to see that are not known. You never know maybe I’ll write a story or two too.
On the writing front, many, many projects. Right now I have put aside everything to work on a special project coming out in November, but can’t say anything about that.
Next, I’m working on book 2 of my White Buffalo MC series. Dark Horses book is coming along nice.
Third, I’m working on my third Sugar Daddy series book. I also have, another Grandma Needs Loving booking in the works too.
Yep, I’m going to do a live Facebook chat here soon, so make sure you following along. I will have prizes, and all sorts of fun things. So if you have questions, start writing them down now.
It’s contest time! For a print, signed copy of Running Wolf’s story in my White Buffalo series, Hunger of the Heart just share my links below! I’ll pick a winner next week!
Hunger of the Heart the first book!
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